Deck Contractors Refinishing

A very common project for deck contractors is refinished wood decks. Wood decks are extremely common in Scranton, and over time will fade or become worn out. If you own a wooden deck, contact your local deck contractor to get an estimate on refinishing it.


A few things the contractor might check when examining your deck are overall condition/support of the structure; surface damage (scratches, discoloration) that needs repair; preparation of the existing finish (is it stripped bare? what must be done before staining can begin?); type of material used to build the deck (treated lumber vs cedar); outline any needed repairs; what kind of protective coat should be put on after work is done; etc – basically, anything to prepare for the process.


Once this is done, and a price has been agreed upon, deck contractors can begin work. First, they need to pressure wash the entire deck (this helps remove any debris and must be done before staining). After that’s finished and dried up, it’s time for sanding. Sanding prep takes 1-2 days maximum; then it can be stained or cleaned with a sealant depending on the preference of the customer.


Then it’s time to add a coat of protective material. This step will vary depending on what kind of wood the deck is made out of, and this information should be given to you by your deck contractor.


After that, it’s time for clean up. The last thing needed before happy customers can celebrate their newly refurbished decks is a thorough cleaning. All tools used during restoration must be cleaned and stored in a safe place out of reach from children and pets. Also, all debris left over from the project should be properly disposed of – at a landfill or recycling center if possible – through an arrangement with your contractor.


Once that’s finished, congratulations! You have a brand-new wooden deck capable of lasting for years to come thanks to your local deck contractor.

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